About Me

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Stephen and I joined the Navigators staff in June 2010 to do college ministry at Oregon State University. We moved to Corvallis and into the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity to be House Parents in September 2010. In June 2011 we welcomed our beautiful daughter Sadie Maren who will now be a frat baby!
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The first swim!

For the past couple of days we have been on vacation with Lisa's family at Black Butte Ranch. We have had fun playing games, riding bikes, playing tennis and watching Sadie. On Tuesday Sadie had her first experience in the swimming pool. I put on her swim suit that I bought for her before she was born and she looked so adorable! She didn't know quite what to think at first but she seemed to like it. Below are some pictures and a video of the big event! : )

(family pic in our swimsuits)

(first feel of the water)

(with Uncles Bri and Kev)

Below a video of the whole experience! (My Dad made this video on his iphone so sorry it turns sideways a few times. )


Sadie takes on Seattle

Last week we had the joy of introducing Sadie to the city where we fell in love. We started off our trip with a weekend family reunion with the Bruckers, Waltons and Selovers. Sadie got to meet her great-grandparents on her dad's side Gammie and Poppie. She also got to meet her great aunt Lucy, Great uncle Gary and second cousins (I think that's what they are?) Taylor and Whitney. Everyone was so great with her and loving on her. It was a great weekend and so much fun to see everybody. Sadie loved it and nearly slept all day Monday she was so exhausted!

(Sadie with her Noni)

(with Poppie)

(with Gammie)

(4 generations!)

(Stephen and I celebrated our 4th anniversary on August 4th and also had our first few hours away from Sadie)

(Sadie's first boat ride)

After the Brucker/Selover family reunion we stayed in Seattle for the week with the Pepsny family. We got to see some friends and show Sadie around Seattle. It was a great week!


(Alki Beach)

(first time feeling the sand between her toes - not sure if she liked it?)

(we showed her Kerry Park)

(she got to meet Ryan Floyd)


Play Mat Fun

Little miss Sadie is liking her play mat so far. She does a little bit of tummy time on it each day. This mirror is fun to look in and make faces too. We have been trying to get on more of a routine these days, eat, play and sleep in that order. Because of that we've been trying to read books or play on the mat during "play" time. Sometimes though "play time" just means laying on my lap and Sadie watching me try to get her to smile!